Oscar Sheynin : Translations
Last update:
03 January 2024


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Many translated sources are in the Download area. In addition,

  • Christov, V.K. Gaus - Krugerovite Koordinaty v'rchu Rotacioniya Elipsoid. Sofia, 1946. In Bulgarian. Transl. into Russian [The Gauss - Krüger Coordinates on an Ellipsoid of Revolution]. Moscow, 1958.
  • Bomford, G. Geodesy. Oxford, 1952. Geodesia. Moscow, 1958.
  • Kaula, W.M. Celestial Geodesy. From Advances in Geophys., vol. 9, 1962. Moscow, 1966.
  • Youshkevitch, A.P. The concept of function. Manuscript. Arch. Hist. Ex. Sci., vol. 16, 1976, 37 - 85.
  • Youshkevitch, A.P. Kolmogorov: historian and philosopher of mathematics. Manuscript. Hist. Math., vol. 10, 1983, pp. 383 - 395.
  • Youshkevitch, A.P. & Rosenfeld, B.A. Geometry. Manuscript. Enc. Hist. Arabic Sci., vol. 2. London, 1996, pp. 447 - 494.
  • Bernstein, S.N. Chebyshev's influence on the development of mathematics. Zapiski Moskovsk. Gos. Univ. No. 91, 1947, pp. 35 - 45. Math. Scientist, vol. 26, 2001, pp. 63 - 73.
  • Kaula, V. M. Cosmic Geodesy. Moscow, 1958. Translated from English.
  • Gelfond, A. O. Solving Equations in Integers. Moscow, 1981. Translated from Russian.
  • Nikolsky, S. M. Elements of Mathematical Analysis. Moscow, 1983. Translated from Russian.
  • Khinchin, A. Ya., Mises' frequentist theory and the modern concepts of the theory of probability. Voprosy Philosophii, No. 1, pp. 92 - 102; No. 2, pp. 77 - 89, 1961. Science in Context, vol. 17, 2004, pp. 391 - 422.

Also translated are the joint chapter Gnedenko & Sheynin, see (1978a), my own book on Chuprov, (1996, Russian edition 1990) and many Russian sources on probability and statistics. These last-mentioned translations are available in seven microfiche collections published in 1998 - 2004 by Hänsel-Hohenhausen, Frankfurt / Main, formerly in Egelsbach, in the Deutsche Hochschulschriften (DHS) series NNo. 2514, 2579, 2621, 2656, 2665, 2696, and 2799. The contents of four collections are listed in the Zentralbl. MATH, 936.01001, 941.01033 and 01034, and 943.01009. The copyright to all seven collections is mine, and Bernstein, Kolmogorov and Khinchin (see above) are taken from them. The translation of Chebyshev's Theory of probability (1936), this being his lectures of 1879/1880, also included in the DHS series (2665), has since appeared as a book (Berlin, NG Verlag, 2004).
Finally, I list

  • (2004), Russian Papers on the History of Probability and Statistics. Berlin, NG Verlag. Translations of my own papers which originally appeared in DHS 2621.
  • (2004), Chuprov, A.A. Statistical Papers and Memorial Publications. Berlin, NG Verlag.
  • (2004), Nekrasov, P.A. (2004), Theory of Probability. Berlin, NG Verlag. Collection of papers which mostly appeared previously in the DHS series.